




奇石在我国历史上又称为怪石、象形石、雅石、供石、案石、几石、玩石、巧石、丑石、趣石、珍石、异石、孤赏石等,我国台湾及港澳称谓雅石,日本称水石,在韩国称寿石。 从广义上来讲,凡是具有观赏价值的自然石,均可称为奇石。


蟾”古代神话中是吉祥之物,旧时传说金蟾有三足为灵物,古人认为可以致富。 三脚金蟾:这蟾蜍并非普通蟾蜍,它是拥有三只脚,与其他四条脚的蟾蜍不同,它是会吐钱,传说它本是妖精,后被刘海仙人收服,改邪归正,四处帮贫人,吐钱给人们,所以后来被人们当作旺财瑞兽。 金蟾的寓意有招财进宝、镇宅、驱邪...”



田黄石(Field-yellow stone),简称“田黄”,产于福州市寿山乡寿山溪两旁之水稻田底下,呈黄色而得名。是寿山石品种中的珍品。广义的田黄石指“田坑石”,狭义的田黄石指田坑石中发黄色者。物理性质、工艺美术特征方面,田黄石与寿山石相近,已成为独立的印章石品种。





英文翻译:Stone, refers to the natural formation of unusual shape of stone, its material, shape, color and pattern are unusual, can meet people's curiosity or aesthetic habits, can be used for viewing and collecting play, such as The Four Chinese stone: "Dongpo meat stone", "years", "Chinese eagle", "chicken out of the shell".

In the history of Our country, strange stone is also called strange stone, pictographic stone, elegant stone, stone for stone, case stone, a few stone, play stone, qiao stone, ugly stone, interesting stone, precious stone, different stone, lonely appreciation stone, etc., Taiwan and Hong Kong and Macao in Our country appellation elegant stone, Japan called water stone, in South Korea called longevity stone. In a broad sense, all natural stones with ornamental value can be called strange stones.

Tian Huang Jin toad stone ornaments

Toad "is an auspicious thing in ancient mythology. In the old legend, golden toad has three feet as a spiritual thing, and the ancients believed that it could get rich. Three legs golden toad: this toad is not ordinary toad, it has three legs, different from the other four legs of the toad, it will spit money, legend it was originally a goblin, after the bang fairy accepted, changed his evil, everywhere to help the poor, spit money to people, so later people as prosperous fortune auspicious beast. The meaning of golden toad is to attract wealth, town house, exorcism..."

Can see this piece of stone like nature itself, there is no artificial trace, stone into pictographic stone, stone, and the picture with stereo pictographic stone for your, this stone stone at the bottom with golden color, natural texture formation of lines, the outline of this image, delicate toad, and toad implication auspicious, more stone (stone) fortunes, likeable.

Orange peel is a type of tissue called orange peel. Orange peel tissue is spongy tissue, the result of excess water around fat cells and poor metabolism of aging waste. And the appearance of uneven ripples in the skin, the orange skin grain used to image the surface of the original stone skin features, here visible orange skin grain, very image, artificial imitation, for natural tianchen, very rare.

Field Huangshi (field-yellow stone), referred to as "tian Huang", produced in Fuzhou Shoushan Township Shoushan Creek on both sides of the paddy Field under, was yellow and named. Is the treasure of shoushan stone varieties. Tian Huangshi in the broad sense refers to "tian Keng stone", tian Huangshi in the narrow sense refers to tian Keng stone hair yellow. Physical properties, arts and crafts characteristics, Tian Huangshi and Shoushan stone similar, has become an independent seal stone varieties.

Tian Huangshi is the gem of shoushan stone system, known as the "king of stone". Its warm and lovely color, fine texture, since the Ming and Qing Dynasties has been regarded as the "king of printing". For hundreds of years Tian Huangshi is extremely loved by collectors, as the saying goes: "gold is easy to get, tian Huang is hard to find."

As early as more than one thousand years ago, China has begun to collect, to the Ming and Qing dynasties Tian Huangshi is famous in the world. Many dignitaries, literati competition deliberately collected Tian Huangshi. Legend has it that the emperor of the early Qing Dynasty, god case is not a party shangpintian Huangshi. Therefore, Tian Huangshi has long been famous, double value, there was an old saying "one or two fields of yellow or two gold".

Strange stone is characterized by natural beauty of ornamental stone, its own natural nature, that is, no artificial processing, modification or carving, is one of the most important standards that distinguishes it from other ornamental stone; Play art aesthetic appreciation stone, stone, is through the people look and feel, is the mutual induction between aesthetic subject and object, the stone is not only a kind of image art, is also a kind of mood art, art is the highest realm of stone art of mind, in the process of appreciation stone, not in visual form, but in the heart god brings, and then to "nature and humanity, I left two". People can associate various circumstances of life from a piece of cold stone, realize the magical scene of the universe and nature, so as to enrich their minds and enrich their minds, and then explore the beauty of natural art and the nature of life from the kingdom of strange stone, which is the true meaning of love strange stone.

This stone not only the contour is extremely similar, the surface texture of natural form the toad tendons road, dynamic, feel to jump out at any time, at a distance will think this is a toad, very image, is the first toad, precious field-yellow stone, coupled with the natural father viewing ghost, is bring out the best in each other, strengthen the has a very high collection value.

