







Qimen County is located in south Anhui Province, west to Huangshan Mountain and neighbors Jiangxi Province. In the folk world is known as made up of "mountains 90%, lake 5% and farm 5%". Mountains and waters in the county form spectacular scenic views.

Travel products of Qimen features an authentic and aboriginal style while attaches importance to ecological balance and environment protection. Guniujiang National Natural Reserve and Geo-park is a complete and complicated ecological system which is still well- protected and features various views that are magnificent, hilly, unique or picturesque, while it is also known as "Green Natural Museum" and "Species Gene Bank of East China". While sharing the same origin of Huizhou culture, Qimen culture also has a unique ancient architectural style, which is exemplified by "Zhenyi Temple","Yifu Liuxian Mansion","Yuqing Hall"and"Ancient Theatre Stage"; Qimen culture also features folk arts such as Mulian opera, Nuo Dance, Xideng Lantern Festival" etc that are all regarded as valuable cultural relics of ancient Chinese culture.



Qimen black tea Runsi

Qimen black tea Runsi, also known as Runsi Qihong, is a major product of Qimen Black Tea, the No.1 high-aroma tea in the world. With its delicate and slim appearance, fresh and lingering sweetness and long-lasting deep aroma, it has won world-wide recognition and admiration.

Runsi Qihong is produced in traditional quality Qihong alpine plantation such as Qimen, Guichi, Shitai, Dongzhi, etc, and processed with exquisite craftsmanship. In international marketplace, Runsi Qihong is categorized as a high-grade black tea, famous for its unique aroma that smells like apple or orchid and is titled as "Qimen aroma" in the world. The tea leaves appear brightly dark while the tea liquor is clear and red. The best aroma can be tasted when brewing it without other ingredients,but it is also delicious to blend sugar or milk. Qihong is mostly favored by the British and it is treasured by British royal class which was presented to the Queen for her birthday. In 1915, Qihong was awarded a special prize on Panama International Exposition, to be followed with a great many international golden prizes. For decades, Qihong has been used by Chinese government on




Historical Reputation

Qimen has a long history of producing tea, and has thus been famous since the Tang Dynasty when tea produced in Xiuning, Qimen and Shexian was sold mainly in Fuliang as a distribution center. The great poet Bai Juyi once noted"as a merchant, her husband is materialistic, who often leave home to have tea trade in Fuliang"; also in the Tang Dynasty, Yang Hua wrote in The Manuscript of the Diet Minister's Classic that "Xizhou, Wuzhou, Qimen produce quality tea, which is appreciated by the merchants who rush thousands of miles to obtain it," indicating that Qimen was an important place of tea production even in the Tang Dynasty. Before the Period of Guangxu Emperor in the Qing Dynasty, only green tea was produced in Qimen. During the Period of Guangxu Emperor, a man named Yu Ganchen from Yixian County returned home from Fujian Province, he tried to imitate the production of Fujian black tea, and his successful trial became the beginning of Qimen black tea (also known as Qihong). Later on, the tea farmers near changed into black tea production in his lead, and Qimen gradually turned into a black tea producing area Once "Qihong" appeared, its outstanding quality made it a starlet in the family of black tea. It was therefore praised together with Indian "Darjeeling" black tea and Sri Lanka"Uva" black tea as "the world's three major teas of intense fragrance". In 1915,"Qihong"was awarded a special prize on Panama International Exposition, to be followed with four international golden prizes in 1980,1985,1990 and 1995 respectively. In 1987, it championed again in the 26th World Session of Finest Selection of Food held in Brussels.

"Qihong" has long been used by Chinese government ondiplomatic occasions to serve foreign guests. Mr. DengXiaoping once complimented:"Qihong is a world-renown great tea."




Distinguished Features

The shape of the tea is compact and slim, with short hair and smooth appearance. The tea is famous for its unique aroma that smells like fruits or orchid and is titled as "Qimen aroma" in the world. The tea leaves appear brightly dark while the tea liquor is clear and red. It tastes mellow and intense with a long-lasting aftertaste.

Qimen black tea provides people with a wealth of riboflavin, folic acid, carotene, tocopherols and chlorophyll-quinone, and is also considered an important source of fluoride.



Pciking and Processing

Qihong is picked with delicate craftsmanship. Usually a bud with two or three shoots is plucked as raw materials. After withering, rolling, fermentation, the buds and shoots turn from green to copper red and the fragrance permeates. Then slowly bake it with heat to dr up. The roughly made tea is required to undertake complex refining process which takes great effort. The refining process includes rough screening, shaking screen, sub-screening, door tightening, lifting up screen, cutting, winnowing, sorting, putting up fire, adding the wind, combining and packing.







Serving Direction

Used 90-95°C boiled mineral water, well water or purified water for brewing and white-porcelain or Zisha teapots for serving. Recommended tea-water proportion is 1:50. The best way to taste is to brew it without any other ingredients. The serving steps are.

Clean: Clean the tea wares with boiling water, and then add tea leaves to the empty wares;

Infuse: Pour in boiling water from high about to cover the tea leaves until 70% of the capacity is filled;

Smell: After steeping tea leaves for 2 minutes, remove the lid and appreciate the fragrance

Taste: When cooled to moderate temperature, take small sips with deep breath and taste the aroma. It is recommended to make 2~3 infusions.





